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Home > Administration Functions > System Administration > Adding Roles

Adding Roles

The Role Administration screen enables the user to define which functionality within EMS each role can see/use within the system.

1. To access the Role screen:

2. Click on a role you wish to edit, then click the [Edit] button.


3. The following window will appear, defining the preset Permissions and Dashboard Panels available for the selected role. 


Check the boxes next to each permission that you wish this role to have access to.

To save click on the OK button. 

If you do not want to save your role click the Cancel button. 


Permissions to Add / Modify Roles and System Configuration is restricted to the System Administrator role only. 

The role of Site Administrator is used within organisations where there are multiple units. A System Administrator can access and manage all data but the Site Administrator can only access data specific to the site(s) they have been allocated.

MEDILOGIK Ltd, Felaw Maltings South, 44 Felaw Street, Ipswich, IP2 8SJ
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+44 (0)1473 351666

For Sales or Enhancements please contact David Simpson:   Tel: +44 (0)1473 351655