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Home > Pathway Steps > Post Procedure > Recovery


The Recovery step records the following:
  • Recovery start and end times
  • Nursing Observations
  • Post procedure drugs
  • Patient Discomfort Expectation
  • Nurse Patient Comfort score (the endoscopist cannot see or edit this value)
  • Immediate Procedure Adverse events
  • Post Procedure Adverse events
  • Record Urease test results (for Upper Procedures)

Nursing Observations
Records the following information: 
  • Intravenous Cannulation
  • Consent Withdrawal
  • Patient Vital Statistics

To record observations click the Nursing Observations button.


To record vital signs, click the New Observations button (you can record multiple readings for a patient, simply click the New Observation button to add another blank row)



Once data has been recorded click OK to save and Close. Clicking Cancel will remove any newly entered data.
To delete an observation click on the observation you want to remove and click the Remove Selected button.

Record Urease Results (for Upper Procedures)
If the result of the Urease test is known when the patient is in recovery then this can now easily be recorded.

Click the Record Urease Result button at the bottom of the screen. Record the result as positive or negative by selecting the correct option.

Click OK to complete the screen. When you update the results you will have the option to reprint the report.

Yes will print the report with the updated Urease result.
No will update the result but not produce a new report.

MEDILOGIK Ltd, Felaw Maltings South, 44 Felaw Street, Ipswich, IP2 8SJ
NOTE: Please do not send any patient sensitive data to this email address.
+44 (0)1473 351666

For Sales or Enhancements please contact David Simpson:   Tel: +44 (0)1473 351655