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Home > Administration Functions > Scheduling Administration > List Templates

List Templates

Templates are configured from the Action Menu. 


Used to the activity to be performed within a session list, based on Endoscopist, Case Mix and Appointment Types. 

Create New Template

  • Click New Template
  • Type a meaningful name for the template and select the correct Endoscopist from the Endoscopist drop-down list. 

  • Click Create button
  • Click New Item button to define the activity to schedule for the list. Note: The correct points must be allocated to the item, e.g. 2 points for Diagnostic Colonoscopy and appropriate Appointment Type selected. 
  • Type number of points available for the item
  • Select the procedure to be performed for the item including any associated therapeutic procedures. If none are selected, this would be considered a diagnostic procedure
  • Select appropriate Appointment Types to be associated with the item. This is used as part of the referral matching process when a referral is created for a patient. 
  • To confirm changes click Save button
  • Repeat process for all items required for the template
Editing the Template
Once a template has been created, the user has an opportunity to review and edit the sequence of procedures, the template item or delete the item. 

Now we have created a template we can put it into the calendar so that the list becomes available for scheduling.

Click the Calendar menu item


The calendar will appear as below,

To the right of the calendar you will see a list of all the configured templates (by default for all endoscopists, but you can change this to show just the templates for a specific endoscopist by selecting one from the drop-down list (as seen below).

Select the Site and Room where you want to use the template, then click on the template you have created and drag it over to the calendar then drop it on to the appropriate day and session (AM/PM/Eve).

Note to drag and drop, hold the left mouse button down whilst you move to where you want to put the template, then let go of the button to drop it.

In this example we drag and drop the template to Tuesday 8th November 2016


As the template is dragged and dropped to the chosen session, the full details of the session template is displayed. 

The schedule for the session template can be established by completing the relevant information on the Add New Schedule section. It is advisable that sessions are set up according to current unit's time-frames, that is, for six / eight weeks, in case of future changes. 

Click Add to apply the changes.

MEDILOGIK Ltd, Felaw Maltings South, 44 Felaw Street, Ipswich, IP2 8SJ
NOTE: Please do not send any patient sensitive data to this email address.
+44 (0)1473 351666

For Sales or Enhancements please contact David Simpson:   Tel: +44 (0)1473 351655