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Deaths and Readmissions

The Deaths and Readmissions panel is populated by the customer mapping deaths and readmission data provided from their hospital system(s) or national datasets and mapping these to the procedures carried out in EMS. 

The Review Status enable a filter to be placed by records which have been or require review. Clicking on the appropriate row will take the user to the relevant episode in EMS. 


Post Discharge Adverse Events must be recorded against each episode prior to entering Review details. 

All matched patients appear in the panel and enables users to record the adverse event(s) against the individual procedure or update those already recorded. 

Once a Post Discharge Adverse Event has been recorded the Review process can be completed.

On selecting Review, the user is presented with a summary of the episode, which enables the record to be updated:-
  • Record free text review comments
Followed by judgement
  • If the adverse event was procedure related
  • The appropriateness of the procedure

Please see Deaths and Readmissions Review for further details relating to report available.

MEDILOGIK Ltd, Felaw Maltings South, 44 Felaw Street, Ipswich, IP2 8SJ
NOTE: Please do not send any patient sensitive data to this email address.
+44 (0)1473 351666

For Sales or Enhancements please contact David Simpson:   Tel: +44 (0)1473 351655