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Daily List

The Daily List panel by default shows the patient due in today.  Depending on the user's role, the list will show all patients or only patients scheduled for procedure for the Endoscopist signed in. 

Further parameters can be set by the user to display patients due for procedure using the Tomorrow, Day or Range buttons, site and Endoscopist filters. 
When filtering by a specific date or date range select the required dates and click the refresh button top right of the panel.

To go to a specific episode, simply click on the desired row, the status column (scroll to the right) shows you at what step in the pathway the episode is currently at. You will be taken to the latest step for that episode (or the nearest step depending on your access level). 

Note: Patient Confirmation will activate - see Patient Confirmation for further details. 


Depending on the level of access, a user may have been assigned access to more than one site enabling the list to be filtered by these sites, by selecting the site from the drop down list and the panel details will automatically refresh. The same applies for filtering the Endoscopist drop down options. 

To go to a specific episode, simply click on the desired row, the status column (scroll to the right) shows you at what step in the pathway the episode is currently at. By clicking on the row you will be taken to the latest step for that episode (or the nearest step depending on your access level). 



The Actions field contains two options in the form of a dropdown

1. Edit Appointment Notes

If notes have been added at the appointment stage you can edit them using the Edit Appointment Notes button, you can see when notes have been added as a notes icon appears in the Notes column, if you hover over the notes icon the note will be displayed as a tool tip. Note; you can only edit notes up until the point where the patient arrives in the unit.

2. Cancel Appointment

You can use the Cancel Appointment button to record that the appointment has been cancelled.
For related information, see Cancel Episode

MEDILOGIK Ltd, Felaw Maltings South, 44 Felaw Street, Ipswich, IP2 8SJ
NOTE: Please do not send any patient sensitive data to this email address.
+44 (0)1473 351666

For Sales or Enhancements please contact David Simpson:   Tel: +44 (0)1473 351655