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Home > Care Pathway > Cancel Appointment

Cancel Appointment

To cancel a scheduled appointment, first locate the patient. There are a number of ways to do this

1. Use the Daily List panel to locate the patient and click the Cancel Appointment button

2. Find a Patient using the search box, then from the patient context choose Cancel Episode

The Cancel Appointment popup will appear, complete the fields as appropriate:

For the Action field:

Selecting Rescheduling Required will cancel the appointment and put the episode back in to the Waiting List panel.

Selecting Mark for Episode Removal prevents the episode from being re-booked and action can be taken on the Cancellations Panel (so for example if you have a patient who has consistently DNA'd).

MEDILOGIK Ltd, Felaw Maltings South, 44 Felaw Street, Ipswich, IP2 8SJ
NOTE: Please do not send any patient sensitive data to this email address.
+44 (0)1473 351666

For Sales or Enhancements please contact David Simpson:   Tel: +44 (0)1473 351655